Þá reið Hermóðr aptr leið sína ok kom í Ásgarð ok sagði oll tíðindi þau er hann hafði sét ok heyrt. Þvi næst sendu Æsir um allam heim ørindreka at biðja at Baldr væri grátinn ór Helju. En allir gerðu þat, menninir ok kykvendin ok jorðin ok steinarnir ok tré ok allr málmr, svá, sem þú munt sént hafa at pessir hlutir gráta þá er þeir koma ór frosti ok í hita. Þá er sendimenn fóru heim ok hofðu vel rekit sín eyrindi, finna þeir í hellinokkvorum hvar gýgr sat. Hon nefndisk Pokk. Þeir biðja hana gráta Baldr ór Helju. Hon segir: "Þokk mun gráta þurrum tárum Baldrs bálfarar. Kyks né dauðs nautka ek karls sonar: haldi Hel því er hefir." En þess geta menn at þar hafi verti Loki Laufeyjarrson er flest hefir illt gert með Ásum.
Then Hermod rode back to Asgard and told of all the tidings he had seen and heard. After this, the Aesir sent messages all over the world of the request that Baldr must be wept out of Hel. All did this; the people and animals, the earth, the stones, the trees and every kind of metal. Just as you will have seen when you se these things come out of frost and into heat. When the envoys were travelling back having well fulfilled their errand, they found in a certain cave a giantess sitting. She said that her name was Thanks. They bade her weep Baldr out of Hel. She said: "Thanks will weep dry tears for Baldr burial. No good got I from the old one's son either dead or alive. Let Hel hold what she has. It is presumed that these were the words of Loki Laufeyiarson, who had done great evil amongst the Aesir".
Þá reið Hermóðr aptr leið sína ok kom í Ásgarð ok sagði oll tíðindi þau er hann hafði sét ok heyrt. Þvi næst sendu Æsir um allam heim ørindreka at biðja at Baldr væri grátinn ór Helju. En allir gerðu þat, menninir ok kykvendin ok jorðin ok steinarnir ok tré ok allr málmr, svá, sem þú munt sént hafa at pessir hlutir gráta þá er þeir koma ór frosti ok í hita. Þá er sendimenn fóru heim ok hofðu vel rekit sín eyrindi, finna þeir í hellinokkvorum hvar gýgr sat. Hon nefndisk Pokk. Þeir biðja hana gráta Baldr ór Helju. Hon segir: "Þokk mun gráta þurrum tárum Baldrs bálfarar. Kyks né dauðs nautka ek karls sonar: haldi Hel því er hefir." En þess geta menn at þar hafi verti Loki Laufeyjarrson er flest hefir illt gert með Ásum.
Then Hermod rode back to Asgard and told of all the tidings he had seen and heard. After this, the Aesir sent messages all over the world of the request that Baldr must be wept out of Hel. All did this; the people and animals, the earth, the stones, the trees and every kind of metal. Just as you will have seen when you se these things come out of frost and into heat. When the envoys were travelling back having well fulfilled their errand, they found in a certain cave a giantess sitting. She said that her name was Thanks. They bade her weep Baldr out of Hel. She said: "Thanks will weep dry tears for Baldr burial. No good got I from the old one's son either dead or alive. Let Hel hold what she has. It is presumed that these were the words of Loki Laufeyiarson, who had done great evil amongst the Aesir".